The mysterious city located in Konya. Underground cities were built in the Karacadağ Valley by the people of the plains to protect themselves from the intense Arab raids to the region between the 8th and 10th centuries.

Inside, there are additional buildings such as a church, reservoir, horse farm, dungeons, rooms, galleries, and air chimneys. Some galleries appear to be well written and have notches on the sides for placing feet. The world's first elevator was built while a pulley system was installed to lower children and luggage into it.

The corridor, built for defensive purposes, is wide enough for a single person to pass. A vault system was used to reduce the pressure on the ceiling. The underground city was expanded to allow for additional rooms as needed. Underground City No. 11 consists of 10 and 11 rooms. It has features similar to the underground cities of Cappadocia.

You can visit the open-air church where daily life continues and the terraces of the surrounding vineyards. The wineries established here were built according to a planned system. The underground cities of Cappadocia and Karakada have similar features.